Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Underbucking the Crosscut

June 12

TRAIL WORK: No running today, but a solid bit of hiking and 8 hours of trail work with the local forest service/washington trails association. This small contribution is a requirement for entry into Wasatch, but I have been curious to volunteer with WTA for a few years. In any case, a good day. I have sore forearms, and newfound sense of wonderment for underbucking on a 40 inch log with a crosscut felling saw. Sweet.

Week: 50mi. 6 days of running again! A good thing too otherwise I wouldn't have hit the magic 50. Stepping back into the longer run this coming week, but lots of drawing and not much sleeping made this last week a good one to plateau for a bit. Will try to continue with the once-a-week hill repeats in addition of general mileage and longer runs.

June 10

13mi, 1:36:43: Tired. Got the run in because I was chasing miles a little bit and really wanted to have 50. Kept it pretty easy and ran Wolf Creek road west of home. A little time on trails, but a pretty rolling and fogiving run. (ax)

June 9

8mi, 1:00.01: MVCT to town with a few odd loops through the Barnsley Lake area. Barnaby abounds out there! You can easily see how this weed can take things over... This run finished up with a visit to the National Fish Hatchery and their annual kid's day. Keeley caught a rainbow trout -- much to her dismay -- but she did enjoy it for dinner on Sunday night. (cas II)

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