Monday, March 23, 2009


March 16-22

40mi. 4 days o' running. One long run in the 14-15mi vicinity, and a second 1:45 minute run in the 12mi range. Obviously, most of my running came in two big chunks. Next week I'll be sure to spread it around more. I finished a major book illustration project early in the week, hence the compacted running schedule. Phew! And I didn't hurt myself. A nice 6 x marmot hill natural interval session on Saturday as well. Getting easier.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Eyes. Full Tummy.

March 9-15

43mi. 6 days of running. About 15mi LSD. 2 days of skiing (1 hr+ skating each). A fine week. More miles than I'd really wanted, but no harm done. Regarding the caption, this weeks long run occured late Sunday afternoon. My family and I watched "The Little Prince" at the Merc Theater in Twisp, and I decided to run home. In the summer, when I can take a few shortcuts via trails & dirt roads, this is about 13 miles. On Sunday... it was farther... I think. After the first 40 minutes to Elbow Coulee, I knew that it was to far. And then it started snowing :) I took it slow. Stopped a few times to admire the scenery AND to keep it sane. My hoped-for 1:30-1:45 run took 2:12. I'm happy to have gotten in a 2hr+ run, but even so, I stopped about 1mi short of home and called for a ride! Like I said, it was farther than I'd wanted to go. There was no real point in being out for even another 8-10 minutes. So it goes.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 2-8

33mi. 5 days o' running. Another good week of getting the bipedal season off to a steady start. Two runs of over an hour, but nothing longer than 8mi. I'll want to get back in the 12-15mi range for a long run next week, but was pleased none-the-less. A "speed" workout on a hotel treadmill for one of those hour runs. 4 x .5 miles at 6:15 pace. A .25 miles rest between each. Harder than a threshhold pace for my fitness right now, but not too much. I also ran 6 x marmot hills (approx. 2:25-30 up) this afternoon. Both of these workouts serve a "variety" function more than anything else right now. The hills are definitely building towards the summer running on trails, but the occassional "speed" workout is mostly about making things feel easier when I am running more (and farther) later on :) G'night!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Feb. 23-March 1

Greetings from the quickly thawing Methow Valley!

30 miles in four days of running, plus another 7+ hours of xc skiing (most of it VERY easy). Fine enough. I did a long run of 12 and another short natural interval hill run. Pleased to be in the 30's, and the time on skis will be strength in the bank when I do start increasing the weekly mileage. Slow and steady.