Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm Back!

Not that anyone has been missing me... but I've decided to start posting again. My year thus far has been a pretty gradual roll towards my current 40-50 mile weeks. I'm within 10 miles of my YTD mileage totals from 2007 (when I was training for Wasatch) and it all feels good. With a little luck, and some extra speed/hill work to boot, I'll ramp up the training in the next week or two as I prep for my "race of the year" -- the Afton Alps 5ok -- which is first and foremost the annual reunionaj with my college xc running teamates. With respect to that race, which is a few weeks earlier than my 50k from last year, I'll be a little bit more aggressive with the training in the next 8 weeks. Beyond early July, I might make a return trip to the White River 50mi, but we'll see how the work/life management goes between now and then.

I had a great time training for (and attempting) my first 100 last year, but it always felt like a one-shot deal. By that, I simply mean that I wasn't going to make it an annual thing. Maybe next year :)

April 28-May 4: 5 days. 48mi. The bulk of this week fell to a 2hr, 14 miler, and the Sunflower Iron (22mi). I felt strong on both runs, and did a good job of running patient on Saturday -- saving something for a strong final 5-6 miles. 2nd place again, just a few seconds difference from last year's race. Reconnected with the winner of the Rattlesnake 1/2 Marathon, James Varner, from two weeks ago. It turns out that he and his running ladyfriend, Alison Hanks, are moving to Winthop in two weeks. More folks to call upon for trail cruising!

Alright, back to the drawing board. Literally...

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