Monday, July 13, 2009


July 5-12. 60mi. 6 days.

At last, a return to the 60 mile week :) I was in the neighborhood in mid-May and have been firting again for the last two weeks. Even more importantly, I put in a solid 5 hour 10 minute effort in the hills near Leavenworth, WA on Wednesday afternoon. In each of the last three summers I have ventured further and futher into the Enchantments basin in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area - and each time I am blown away by the carrot at the end of the stick. This year in particular, I was able to get beyond the last major climb to Lake Vivianne and to check out the mix of snow and water and granite that grace this incredible spot. Quite a "hump" getting there, as folks will say, as it took 2:50 for me to cover only 11.5 miles. There is about 5600-5800 feet of elevation gain and 4000 ft of it takes place in the first 6.5 miles. All in all, an excellent run. Topping that off, I ran 11 miles on the Wenatchee "Apple Loop" -- a flat to rolling paved bike path along the Columbia river -- on the day after. My legs were tired, but I ran the loop in about 1:20 (pretty close to 7:20 pace) so it was a solid back-to-back effort. The chaffing carry-over was the worst part!

As it stands, I'm still a little on the fence about my Wasatch bid. Back in the right training mindset - I think - but I'll have to decide for certain (and log my trail work hours) in the next 2-3 weeks.

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