Friday, September 14, 2007

The Wasatch... 61.7mi

September 8, 2007

For those very few that might be reading this, thanks for your patience :) Alas, the complete 100 miles did not come to pass. I will post my splits below, and you will notice a certain "lingering" that begins to happen around the Alexander Ridge aid station at mile 47.44...

Start: 5am
Francis Peak 18.76: In 9:02 Out 9:09 - I spent a few extra minutes waiting for my brothers to show :)
Bountiful B: 23.95: In 10:21 Out 10:22
Sessions: 28.23 In 11:20 Out 11:22
Swallow Rocks: 34.91 In 1:03 Out 1:03
Big Mountain: 39.40 In 2:08 Out 2:16
Alexander Ridge: 47.44 In 4:39 Out 4:50
Lambs Canyon: 53.13 In 6:12 Out 6:54
Upper Big Water: 61.7 In 9:36....

I'm not entirely certain what was up, but somewhere between 39.4 and 47.4 I started getting stomach cramps and feelings of nausea. We came down from the greater elevations of earlier in the day, but after 9+ hours on the trail this was also the hottest part of the course, so perhaps that was a factor. I did pretty well on the water intake, but for whatever reason the food options were very unappealing. I was also nervous about throwing up and losing too much ground in the hydration department. After my longer rest at Alexander Ridge I had a rally of sorts enroute to Lambs Canyon... Nervous about my food/water intake, I spent some time at LC (perhaps too much) and headed up the road to Big Water. The first half of this leg was good, but my Cliff Blocks induced vomiting just about the time it was getting dark. I recovered briefly, but subsequent waves of nausea spelled the end...

The hardest part in all of this: Not finishing. I had "planned" a 28hr pace for myself early on. Despite the stomach issues I was only 6 minutes down from that upon entering Upper Big Water. In my mind, and in reality I suppose, I was on a downward spiral -- at 9:30 pm -- with 40 miles and unknown hours to go...

So it went. My friend Dan had a much better time of it and ran really well throughout. He finished in about 28 hours -- a time that included the "rescue" of his pacer brother who was suffering from the altitude and needed Dan's assistance to make it slowly to an aid station. 27 hours already under his belt, Dan blistered the final 6 mile leg in just over an hour. Good stuff!

Will I try one of these again? We shall see...

I'll post a few race photos when I get some, and keep running until the snow flies (perhaps even this year amidst the white stuff), but for now the attentive efforts to this training log are taking a break.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

To sleep or not to sleep

August 23

6mi, 47:40: Intentionally slower after yesterday's effort. The speed yesterday was painfully "fun". Unfortunately, deadlines again and limited sleep hours are not ideal, so I need to be careful and not over do it. I should get some solid sleep on Friday night at least before a final multiple-hour run over this coming weekend. I think that Brian will join me. Until then... (a5)

Up tempo

August 22

12mi, 1:19: An up-tempo/definitely threshold 10mi at around 6:15 pace in the midst of a run to the Mazama Farmer's Market. After two day's off at the beginning of the week (laziness in the midst of early taper/workload temptations) I felt antsy and decided to run a little faster for the first time in a long while -- since the TVR and the Mazama 10k even. I don't know how this matters/factors in to the Wasatch training, but it felt good enough, so I'll call it a success :) (a5)

Week: 5omiles. The taper officially begins! Really happy to have climbed back out of the hole created by White River. 3 weeks out my body is feeling pretty recovered and happy to be out longer or running a little faster again. Running after this week's longer run felt MUCH MUCH better than the agonizing 34 minutes on August 12 (post 4 hrs on Cutthroat). Time is working in my favor it seems, but backing off for a while also seems to have been as effective as it was necessary. Into the 40's and below as we go...

August 19

12mi, 1:39: Mission accomplished! Mileage today gets me back to 50 again for the week -- for whatever that's worth. The run felt pretty good and it actually rained (!!!) for most of the time. It's been at least 2 years since I've had the pleasure to run in such conditions -- it just doesn't happen that often around here. Good stuff. (v)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

En Mass

Less consistant recording of the running as things have gotten busier and time more compressed. So it goes. If I get my rear out the door for 11-12 miles today, then I will have succeeded in getting back to 50mi+ for the last two weeks -- three cheers! Three extra cheers for the fact that major training for Wasatch is coming to a close. I've never achieved BIG weekly mileage, but I have run a lot more than in the previous 4 years, done more 2-6 hour runs than ever before, and gotten to the point where a 30 mile run feels pretty darn nice. I also took some fine photos in the last two weeks, some of which I will be adding below...

August 18

6mi, 40:24: A quick and easy. I haven't run this "fast" in a little while and I'm happy to feel some snap in the legs this soon after Thursday's 30mi. It took 3 weeks, but I think that I've finally recovered from White River. (a5)

August 16

30mi, 5:52: A gorgeous long run over Twisp Pass to Dagger Lake. A sharp turn near the PCT junction and up Macalester Creek to High Camp. Awesome views of Macalester Peak and also a lot of the smoke from the Domke Lake fire on Lake Chelan. Up to South Pass and then down the South Creek drainage to complete the loop. Really felt good. 2x Clip II mixes in my water plus an assortment of Cliff Blocks, Bars and pb n' j. (cas II)

Dan, mugging for some breakfast burrito sponsorship at Twisp Pass.

Perhaps the best "happy runner" photo that I have taken this summer. High Camp.

Also a fine shot!

August 13

2mi running, 8 mi HIKE, indeterminute time... A small bit of running in addition to about 8 miles of hiking with Keeley and my mom on Monday night/Tuesday morning. Carrying a 4 year old on shoulders in addition to my 40+ lb pack also seemed training log worthy. (cas II)

Week: 52 miles. 5 days of running. 7 library visits. 350+ miles of driving... A busy week again on the road, but two really nice longer runs as well. August 8th I ran about 3hrs up into the Snowy Lakes area near Leavenworth, WA. This involved climbing 4000ft in about 6.5 miles. Tough! I almost made it to the Enchantment Lakes region and I will definitely have to go back for that sometime. An almost perfect late afternoon run :) On Saturday, August 11, I ran 4hrs plus -- Up over Cutthroat Pass enroute to Methow Pass and then back again. About 23 miles as best as I can figure. Again, excellent! Not really hot at all, in fact I wore light gloves for the entire run. Small twinges of pain in my right heel were a little bit bothersome (Plantar fascitis?...) but that has been a non-issue since. (v & a5)

An unnamed lake (on my map anyway) enroute on my afternoon run south of Leavenworth. A sometimes rocky and challenging trail with lots of climbing.
The best self portait to date...

Snow Lake in the Alpine Lake Wilderness Area.

Near Granite Pass on the Cutthroat/Methow Pass run. That should be 8970 ft. Black Peak in the background, and YES I am wearing the same shirt that I wore 3 days earlier... testing for Wasatch of course!

Monday, August 6, 2007

White River Photos

Near the aid station at Corral Pass, 16.9mi.
© 2007, Glenn Tachiyama

Decidedly more tired and beestung at Sun Top, 37mi.
© 2007, Glenn Tachiyama

Finally finished, and pretty satisfied with whatever that watch says!
© 2007, John Wallace III

Another week, another mile...

Week: 35 miles. Alas, a mental breakdown. Lingering cold aside, I feel pretty good physically being 7 day post-50mi race. However, I went camping on Saturday and just simply didn't muster the time for a run. Hence, the weekly miles drop below 40 for the first time in 12 weeks. Not a particularly alarming fact, since I am doing this Wasatch race on decidedly unhuge weekley miles anyhow, but still a low-water mark in the running of late. With high hopes to kick this cold crud in my chest, I will shoot for a return to 50 plus in each of the next two weeks. Then the taper!

August 5

15mi, 2:01: A run through the woods from home in search of the rumored trail up Lucky Jim Bluff. I found it at about 57 minutes and power hiked up some pretty sttep terrain to the first considerable viewpoint. A slightly treacherous run back down and some hotfooted speed work over the last half hour to make it home in around 2hrs. A fine, fine run, with lots more to explore in future excursions out over top of Lucky Jim. Sweet Views! (v)

August 3

4mi, 33:00: A short easy run. HOT. (ax)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Nice and slow, see.

August 2

8mi, 1:12: A nice feeling run with brother-in-law and fellow White River recuperee, Andy Roth. Across Wolf Creek and up the hill from our house to Sun Mt. Lodge. Early in the day, so not so hot as yesterday. Much better. I'm acclimated to the heat better these days, but I should still really run early a little more often than I do. Legs feeling remarkably nice today. Watch your step coming back across Wolf Creek! I will have a good stone bruise on my right shin to remember that mantra. (v)

August 1

7mi+:1:01: A hot a sluggish run to town on the Community Trail. 3 days post White River I feel better off than three days post Tahoe, but it will be nice to feel even better soon. Some minor bruisy feelings in the left quad. Stick It! (ax)

PS I somehow missed posting the week of July 9-15 before going on vacation. Nothing extraordinary, but I did get in 45mi including another good 3 hour run via a trip over Abernathy Pass with Brian Sweet. All in all it was a restfulish week prior to Tahoe, in part to not over stree the tender left hipflexor -- which has miraculously healed! Duely noted as well that I will be skipping the "speed" training phase for Wasatch in favor of more miles/strength.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

July 16-29

Weeks: 6 days. 97 mi. Not a lot of days spent running during this 2 week stretch, but I took a 2000+ mile road trip/vacation, tapered a bit, and nursed a nagging hip flexor injury so that I could race twice. By some certain grace, the hip pain is gone despite running the Tahoe Rim Trail 50k on July 21 and the White River 50mi on July 28th...

July 28: White River 50mi. 8700ft elevation gain. 9:18.38. 35th place. I reserved judgement on running this race until the day prior. On the heels of Tahoe, it seemed like a good training run for Wasatach, but I developed a cold AND I was a little uncertain about the recovery of my legs etc.. All turned out OK. A conservative first climb answered most questions about my fitness and I was anxious to push a little harder by our turn around at the second aide station (around 3hrs). All day, running downhill was the roughest on my recovering legs. Adding insult to subtle unstableness, I was stung by a yellowjacket smack on my lower lip near the 4:30/25mi mark!

Note the swollen lower lip!

I was only about 15-20 min from the next aide station when this happened, so I was able to get a Benedril and to spend about 5-8 minutes monitoring for any more serious reactions. It had been a long while since I was last stung.

I moved on from this point with hyper-awareness of my breathing etc. for about the next hour. At the Fawn Ridge aide station I took some ice and held it to my lip for the first 10 minutes of the hike/run to Sun Top. Around the 6 hour mark, I was feeling pretty beat, but somewhere around mile 40 (halfway down from our second "summit" at Sun Top aide station) I got a second wind. The sting was no longer a worry and I was also excited to be thinking about single digits again!

The last 10 miles felt really good. I regained some ground that was lost by my daylong pedestrian pace on the downhills, and passed 8-10 people in this final stretch. Calorie management experiments on the day were also a decent success with a combination of Hammer Gels, Gu, Gu20, Cliff Bars, Cliff Blocks, PBJ's and the Succeed Clip II drinks which I started at around 3 hours. A reminder: Hammer Gels seemed a little less sweet than GU. Gu2O was tasting GREAT in the final 6 miles, and the Succeed was MUCH better when adding some ice. It was otherwise bearable, and didn't give me any stomach problems -- although this was only a 9 hour effort. I'll be going slower and eating more real food early on I hope at Wasatch...

July 21: Tahoe Rim Trail 50k. 6895ft elevation gain. 5:20.51. 5th place. Pretty clear right from the start that I wasn't going out with the leaders. I settled in to what looked like 5th-8th place (uncertain about the mix of 50k/50milers ahead of me) and tried to find a pace that would agree with the altitude. 20 miles of the race were run above 8000ft and I was definitely NOT used to that. I intended to push myself, but also wanted a solid 30+ mile run at some altitude more than anything else.

Minor discomforts aside, said altitude provided AMAZING views of Lake Tahoe from both Marlette Peak and Snow Valley. It was far and away the most scenic 5ok that I have ever done.

I ran mostly by myself amidst a sea of 100 milers that had started 1 hour prior and shared the first 18 miles of our course. This was especially fun on the Red House Loop as we chatted some and shared in similar misery on the sandy climb out of the loop. In that last 1o-12 miles I was very aware that the eventual women's winner was just behind, and this definitely spurred me on in the final miles. Despite many electrolyte caps, I fought cramping in my upper quads the final 8 miles. Still, any real biting cramps were held off until after the finish. I will certainly use these caps in all future runs/races of 2hrs plus... Where have you been in the marathon race plans!!?

Not a great, full service-report, I know, but I should get to work on other things. Below is a shot of fellow Carleton College friends (92'-95') and race participants. Fellahs reuniounaj NO. 9 is done and gone. See you in Minnesota for 2008!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


July 9

8mi, 1:05.11: The hottest part of the day with temps in the 90's. Alas, I could not go earlier. A little tightness in my left hip, so I started slow and "warmed" into it. Felt fine after about 5 minutes, but this is worth watching. I DON'T need to get hurt. New shoes are on the way and this is good timing. A nice soak with Max in wolf creek after dinner. A damned fine natural ice bath!

Monday, July 9, 2007

July 2-8

Week: 52mi. I was staring in the face of 60 miles this week... and I decided to take a nap. A good hill bounding workout AND my longest non-race ever took their respective toll. Next week? I did BIKE for a brief time today and soak my tawny legs in the cool waters of wolf creek. Hard to beat.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

July 7

5mi, 38:56: Another easy day. Back into the hour range on Sunday to polish off the week. (brn)

July 6

3mi, 28:25: Slow looking and VERY slow feeling. The next two days are dedicated to regaining some range of motion... I was comforted to realize that today's run, (despite its brevity and eventual minor contribution to the weekly miles) marked my 74th mile run in the last 7 days. 6 days of running, with last Sunday's 18mi in fairly close proximity to yesterday's 32. This is a lot for me of late, so good on ya mate! (old yellow montrails)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Reality Check. Checked.

July 5

32mi, 6:17.04. A great first 5 hours. Andrews Creek drainage to Spanish Camp. From Andrews Pass to the supreme alpine meadows of Spanish Camp, it was spectaular. Our turn around point was the Boundry Trail, just 2-3 mile from the Canadian border. I must get back into this area with the family and our backpacks someday... 90+ degree temperatures and a final hour spent hoofing it over sandy trails and snags from a 20 year old fire (thusly not a hint of shade) nearly crushed me. I need to order some electrolyte tablets, because, 1 x pbj, a cliff bar, a powerbar and the 98 ounces of water consumed enroute were just simply not enough. We ran almost every step but for some hiking over Andrews Pass AND the final minor hill about 1 mile from the car. I simply had to walkfor a while -- which is certainly a good thing especially since I could tell that the heat was laying hands on my soul. 1/2 mi from the end, we sat in Andrews Creek. While I'm quite certain that this is cold water, even after 10 minutes of full-body immersion I was still cooling down. To think that I will continue for another 68 miles at some point... it will be something! (cas II)

July 4

5mi, 37:06. Happy Birthday S! An easy five miles in your honor and then off to paint faces at the annual Methow Arts Fest. (a5)

July 2

6 mi, 48:03. HILLS. Looking at the time, this run might have been longer. Perhaps not however, since I was slogging it up the hills. 6 x 2:15-2:20 A jog back down for rest. Same Sun Mt. View/Marmot Mt. hills that I have done previously. Hot today, plus on the middle 4 I bounded for the first 30sec. Meant to bound longer, but the lactic acid produced in 30sec. pretty much wrecked me. Really glad I tried that. Might feel better next time... (a5)

Monday, July 2, 2007


Week: 50mi. A quick summation, nothing more. Mon-Thurs was spent on the road visiting libraries. Good stuff and some cool new explorations of central WA -- especially the Dry Falls area as scoured by theorized ice aged floods. My early week running was mostly hot, dry, and on the roads. I made up for this to some small extent with two fine trail runs on Sat. and Sun. 10mi on some new trails near home (with more to explore) and a solid 2:40 run up in the Sun Mt. Hills on Sunday. Ran hard to the top of Patterson Mt. just after the 2hr mark. About 12 minutes of hard uphill running, but felt really good. Back to a much longer run again this coming week!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A nice long run!

Week: 54 mi. Not quite the "60 in 6 days" that I had mentioned previously, but I did finally log a solid long run. Read Thursday's entry for better details, but suffice it to say that 29 of this week's 54 miles were logged on that day. Kind of the point I guess!

June 24

8mi, 54+min: "SPEED" Felt much better today. So much so that I decided to up the pace for a while. Push a little bit on tired legs if you will. 5 minutes of tempo uphill followed by 12 additional minutes after turning back down. At least 2.5 mi at a good threshhold clip. Some easy running to start and to finish up. (ax)

June 23

4mi, 30:21: Recovery running still. Got the legs moving and I felt better than yesterday. (ax)

June 22

3mi, 26:19: As pace would indicate, this was an easy run that wasn't. Still, good to do. A brief cruise around Repbublic, WA as I prepared for my first library visit of the NCRL system's summer reading program. (ax)

June 21
29mi, 5:37.15: A summer solstice run, and a fine one at that! Ran from Billygoat Trailhead to Cougar Lake with Wasatch compatriot Dan Kuperberg. About 5000 feet of climbing with a very nice mix of runnable terrain. Great country. Especially views from Lucky Pass, on this surprisingly snow-free route into the Pasayten Wilderness area.

I was certainly feeling it once we passed the 4 hour mark, but all-in-all a very good run. The down's are harder on me than the ups in most cases. Not too sure what to do about that except to keep running them and to get used to the jarringness -- if that were an actual word. (cas) A few pics for posterity:
Dan, just beyond Lucky Pass with Rampart Ridge in the background.

We staged these two action"shots for appropriate effect!

June 19

3mi, 23:44: An easy run to make sure that I get in 6 days o' running this week... (a5)

June 18

7mi, 54:30: Easy distance. Home to townish on the Winthrop Trail. On advice of my brother-in-law, I'm trying to slow up a little on these maitenance runs. Not too successful as yet, but we'll keep trying. (ax)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Dippsy do

Week: 46mi in five days of running. I was hoping for about 10 additional miles, but it just didn't happen. Really tired at week's end when the extra running might have been possible. For consistancy's sake, I'll try to keep the "streak" rolling into this next week. 60 in 6 would be nice, and a solid hillworkout would also nicely compliment my ideal flirtation with the four hour training run.

June 17

8mi, 59:46: Wow did I feel like crap today! I'm not exactly sure why, but everything felt like jello. HIKED for 2+ hours as well this morning, but I really didn't anticipate blaming anything on that. So it goes I suppose. Perhaps yesterday's "speed" is the culprit? (ax)

June 16

7mi, 45:12: SPEED. A solid tempo run on trails to town. The middle 14 min at sub-6min, "tempo" pace and the rest of the run felt slow in comparison.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wolf Creek trail to Gardner Meadows

June 15

4mi, 31:20: A nice easy run on the heels of a long school visit/bookstore visit day in Arlington, WA. A good chance to stretch the legs before the 3hr drive home. (ax)

June 14

20mi, 3:36.21: LSD with Dan and Max. A really nice run on the Wolf Creek Trail up to Gardner Meadows. A near perfect afternoon in the low 70's. 3400ft of elevation gain. Some great views of Abernathy Ridge from the Meadows area.

Dan, Max, and I at the turn around in Gardner Meadows. Even better views that I did not capture, and an amazing array of weathered wood. A fire about 8 years prior burned this area nearly ridge to ridge.

Max, unfortunately, was pushed just a little bit past his comfort zone. The poor dog was REALLY tired after about 2 hours, but defined doggedness and persisted as best he could. Not a lot of activity from him in the two days since however :) (cas II)

June 13

7mi, 50:41: After dinner mint. A post-dinner ramble down Wolf Creek Road. Felt surprisingly good. Two days off will do that, I suppose. (brn)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Underbucking the Crosscut

June 12

TRAIL WORK: No running today, but a solid bit of hiking and 8 hours of trail work with the local forest service/washington trails association. This small contribution is a requirement for entry into Wasatch, but I have been curious to volunteer with WTA for a few years. In any case, a good day. I have sore forearms, and newfound sense of wonderment for underbucking on a 40 inch log with a crosscut felling saw. Sweet.

Week: 50mi. 6 days of running again! A good thing too otherwise I wouldn't have hit the magic 50. Stepping back into the longer run this coming week, but lots of drawing and not much sleeping made this last week a good one to plateau for a bit. Will try to continue with the once-a-week hill repeats in addition of general mileage and longer runs.

June 10

13mi, 1:36:43: Tired. Got the run in because I was chasing miles a little bit and really wanted to have 50. Kept it pretty easy and ran Wolf Creek road west of home. A little time on trails, but a pretty rolling and fogiving run. (ax)

June 9

8mi, 1:00.01: MVCT to town with a few odd loops through the Barnsley Lake area. Barnaby abounds out there! You can easily see how this weed can take things over... This run finished up with a visit to the National Fish Hatchery and their annual kid's day. Keeley caught a rainbow trout -- much to her dismay -- but she did enjoy it for dinner on Sunday night. (cas II)

Friday, June 8, 2007

Sleeplessness ensues

June 8

5mi, 36:40: Easy mileage again. WC Road/Cottonwood Meadows etc.. 2hrs perhaps one day this weekend, but success this week will mean simply maintaining things at around 50mi per week. I'll get another 3-4 hour run in soon enough. (cas II)

June 7

10mi, 1:24.01: Hills again on the day after hills. With 26,000 ft of climbing to do in September, I suppose that I really can't get enough. Today's were a steady upwards accumulation in the course of looping from home up Power's Plunge and the Winthrop/Lakeview trails to Sun Mountain. Came down the Kraule Trail to Perrow's Black Bear cut-off. A fine new loop! (ax)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hills o' plenty

June 6

8mi, 59:34: HILLS 6 x 3min with 1min R headed down. A graduated climb of sorts on the road up Virginia Ridge. Up 3min, down for 1, up for 3, down etc.. A short-cut cool down to keep the run around an hour. A little short of 8 mi perhaps, but I was working pretty hard on the ups... (ax)

June 5

6mi, 42:40: Easy distance. Back to the roads this week with a quick run to Roth's for dinner. A little tired from last week, happy to be running is some RAIN! There will not be much more of that this summer, so 'tis to be enjoyed while it be. Adieu! (a5)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

So begins the June

Week: 53mi. 6 Days running - FINALLY! A good long run, some speed/strength of sorts on the track, AND the heat has arrived. I'm a little tired and have lots of painting to do in the weeks ahead, but the running is going well. Will try to log another 3+ hr run this week and aim for a hill workout in lieu of any 6 min pace runnings. Ciao...

June 3

6mi, 47:43: Easy D. Not too far, but a fine cap to the week. Kicking off June with 50+. Hope I can keep it going. (ax) BIKE as well today. 1hr+ in AM with S&K. Another 50min later in the day enroute to my MVN board meeting. X-training this week as well!

June 2 -- 100 Days to Wasatach...
10mi, 1:05: TITUS VAN RIJN. "Race", speedwork, strength, etc... 15, 210m (9.45mi) in 60 minutes o' running. Pushed a little for the fist 3 mi -- 6:12, 5:59, 6:05, but after letting up for a lap, I never quite found the sub-6:15 drive again. Ran solid for the end of my longest week of the year. Joined as well by a lovely group of participants here in Winthrop, WA this year. Black Cherry Soda and watermelon were enjoyed by all at the 9:30am finish. With temps headed into the mid 90's, we tried to get it started on the earlyish side. (racer st)

TVR 2007 participants from Winthrop, WA. 192.5 laps. 77065m. 47.886 miles!

June 1

4mi, 30min: Easy in the evening. A run down the road behind our house. After dinner with food in the belly. Not a great feeling, but a fine easy run. (brn)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

War creek extended

May 30

24mi, 3:34.25: LSD. And there you have it, my first training run over 3:30. Few ever, in fact, to rival this kind of time on the trail, but that will all change soon enough. Ran with Dan on the Twisp River Trail from Buttermilk snowpark. 1st 4mi. took an hour for all of the downed trees that we climbed and ducked around. A certain type of workout in and of itself... The original plan had been to run for 2hrs, but the Methow Valley Backcountry Horseman -bless their hearts- HAD cleared things from War Creek Campground "north" and we got a little excited to have an actual trail in front of us again. Ran farther out than we would have otherwise, and then we had to turn around. Avoiding the first 4mi steeplechase meant running on Twisp River Road (at 1:00pm with rising 80 degree temps) and then doubling back to where the car was parked. The last 4 miles was too fast and kind of a death march (still feeling Saturday's workout) on the highway. However, alls well that ends well. I won't have to run long later in the week :) (cas II)

May 29

3mi, 20:13: Quick and easy. Just to get out the door. (ax) BIKE: 1hr+ Finished the run and jumped on the bike (with Burley) to pick up K from school. A rare tailwind on the way home. Very nice.

Monday, May 28, 2007

And so it goes!

May 28

6mi, 41:23: Memorial Day. Another easy run. Fine to start the week with legs still feeling a little heavy from Saturday's race. (cas II)

Week: 43mi. 5 days running. AGAIN with the missing 6th day. Alas a good week not to push things with an oddly tight upper back, but I'll hope to be back into the 50mile range again next week. A good "strength" workout on Saturday that will not help my Wasatch performance in the least, but was still a good workout. I ran 12mi. on enroute to the Mazama 1ok. This long "warmup" followed by 10k of fast running was great. Not even racing so much, but tried to run fast a smooth. The Titus Van Rjin next week??

May 27

7mi, 49:34: Home to Roth's condo via the Winthrop Trail and Horizon Flats. A fine recovery run. Could have been slower as usual, but let's take heart in stringing together some consecutive running days and call it good. (a5)

May 26

19mi, approx 2:20: My strength workout for the week. A 12mi+ ramble from home to Mazama with Seattle friend Mike Fitzpatrick. Cheered for Keeley in the 1k and then ran a quick 10k trail (37:51)race with the intent to stay smooth and feeling good. Would have been perhaps a minute faster but for some course confusion in the last mile. Hence as well the very close finish as Brent Biggar and I tried to reclaim some lost ground over the final meters. Technically, I think that Brent would have beaten me without the misdirection. Adrenaline got to me in a positive way for the finishing sprint. (a5, racing flat)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Fine line...

May 24
8mi, 1:00.19: Easy again AND my first mosquito bites of the year. W.C. Road/Winthrop trail loop. Glad to be running at all because my upper-middle back is still giving me lip. Moist heat is key, but it has been in n' out in waves all week. Too much time in the studio chair no question, but it's an odd pain that is hard to isolate and yet not altogether debilitating or even getting worse. S is suggesting a massage sometime next week. Might be a fine idea. (a5)

May 23

5mi, 35:40: Easy dist. Working through a tight back, but otherwise feeling fine after Sunday's long run. The coming Saturday is the Mazama 10k. That'll be gravy for me after running to the start from home. Trying to run the 10k faster after 12 miles will also fit the newly entered strength phase. No legitimate LONG run this week, but the following will be a good one to go over 3-3.5 hrs. (a5)

Monday, May 21, 2007

May 19-21

May 21

4mi, 28:04: Easy. Loosen the legs up from yesterday a little. Felt pretty good! (a5)

Week: 50mi. Yahoo! Staring this mini mileage milestone in the face for a while now. Good to mark my ascent into the strength training phase with my first official achievement of the base miles that I would like maintain as well. We'll see how it goes. Work business to increase in the next month especially, but I am feeling good about things at this point. Still also seeking the elusive 6th day of running in a week to spread these miles around. Keep that in mind!

May 20

18+, 2:38.01: A good rolling run. Felt pretty strong throughout so apparently the last two weeks sans any REALLY long runs have done me some good. Strength is gaining. Also note: I employed a half-shuffle-run-bound on the uphills today. Very effective it seemed. (cas II)

Saturday, May 19, 2007


You and yours are invited to participate in the Ninth Annual


WHAT: A one-hour footrace
WHERE: Your local track
WHEN: Anytime between May 12 and June 10, 2007

* Your performance must take place on a standard 400 meter/440 yard track. Include partial laps in your final total; estimate distances as accurately as possible within reason.

* Send results to rotha at sonoma dot edu by midnight, 10 June 2007. In your results, please note name, total distance completed (in meters or yards), age, date, and location. We encourage you to include a brief report of your experience for the official race report.

* You may run the event more than once if desired, but only submit your best mark.

* You are encouraged to invite others to participate in the event.

* Complete results and race report will be sent to all participants.

World champions in football and baseball celebrate with champagne; the victor at the Indy 500 gets a bottle of milk. At Titus Van Rijn, the celebratory beverage of choice for all participants is black cherry soda. We encourage you to maintain the tradition.

World, women: 18,340 meters (~11.4 miles)
Tegla Loroupe (Ken), Borgholshausen, Ger 8/7/98
World, men: 21,101m (~13.1 miles)
Arturo Barrios (Mex), La Fleche, Fra 3/30/91

U.S., women: 17,273m (~10.7 miles)
Nancy Conz, Amherst, MA 6/25/81
U.S., men: 20,547m (~12.8 miles)
Bill Rodgers (GBTC), Boston, MA 8/9/77

TVR, women: 12,453m (~7.7 miles)
Sarah Brooks (MN), Northfield, MN 2002
TVR, men: 18,115 (~11.25 miles)
Greg Crowther (WA), Seattle, WA 5/27/2006

Please contac the race directors the All Time TVR
Performance List.

Since 1999, 59 competitors in 4 nations and 8 US states have amassed
a total of over 1.46 million meters. Join the fun!

Please contact Andy Roth (rotha at sonoma dot edu) or Mike Persick (mpersick at comcast dot net), TVR Race Directors.

Riser Lake

May 18

6mi, 41:39: Easy. Explored some rolling single track through the bitterbrush and sunflowers at Riser Lake. Lupine is still out in force! A good easy run on the heels of Wednesday's longer effort.

PS Its not likely to make a lot of sense unless you are Gaio Lakin, but here is some recent artwork with a running bent. Some doodlings of an "incident" during my college years...

Friday, May 18, 2007

May 14-17

May 17

11mi (or so), 1:29: LONG with a few hills. B.B. to the Kraule Trail and then across lower Patterson Mt. enroute to town. A good run. Feeling better again after last week's travel days. (ax)

May 16

BIKE -- 1:15. To town and then home via the Winthrop Trail. Fine to do something other than run after 52mi crammed into the last 6 days.

May 15

10-mi, 1:20: HILLS (The beginning of my strength training!). 6x3 min/1 min walking breaks on the way up to Virginia Ridge. 40min to the cattle guard for future reference. A cross-country scramble on the way back down from the top. (casII)

May 14

5+mi, 38:40: Run to town. Retrieve car. Pick up daughter. (brn)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Catch Up Time

Week: 37 miles. A step back of sorts, but not a complete loss. On the road for work. General business and life did not coincide with a solid training effort. I probably needed a week to ease off anyhow. Not that I was feeling bad, but I certainly felt tired on Saturday. I really hope to rebound this coming week with my first 50mi weekly effort and another long run into the 20's...

May 13

Happy Mother's Day! AM: HIKE. An excellent breakfast at the Freestone Inn followed by 2hrs walking with the family Brooks. Carried 34lbs of 4 year old for half of it. PM: 8+mi, 58:16: Roaming the woods west of the house. Felt much better than yesterday! (cas II)

May 12

8+mi, 1:07:12: Uhg! This run does not usually take this long. Still not feeling well. Tired too from travel. Simply glad to get it done... (brn)

May 11

11mi, 1:16ish: Random horse trails and powerline access east of Enumclaw. Stretched the legs for a bit just after my final school visit and prior to my 5hr drive back home. It felt pretty alright considering. (ax)

May 10

AM: 4mi, 29:32: Finally a run this week. 6AM cruise from my Southern Everett hotel room. Chilly! (ax)
PM: 6+mi, 42:11: Centennial Trail. Snohomish, WA. Done with my Granite Falls school visit and headed south to Enumclaw. Saw this trail from the road and decide to go for another run. My first 2x in a desperate attempt to salvage the weekly miles. I might still be lucky to hit 30! (ax)

Week: 48 miles. A fine week! Odd accumulations, but I logged two 16+(2:30+) mile runs and still seemed to have some legs at the end of the second one (The Sunflower Iron Race). I still really need to add an extra day of running to up the overall miles. Must find the time!

May 6

BIKE: 35mi. A good shake out from Sunday's Race. Also the only possible thing for me to do since I was single dad for the few days surrounding...

May 5

RACE: The Sunflower Iron: 24mi including a 15+ min warmup. 2:36:43 for the 22mi race. I defended my honor and placed 2nd, if not my overall time from last year. Also played it very patient given my long run on Tuesday and tried to save myself for the final 6mi. This plan seemed to work very well. There is no way that I would have caught the winner (15 min ahead) but it was good to know that I could still puch hard at the end of a longer and more "loaded" week. (ax)

NOTE: Not sure that Cliff Shots and I agree with one another. Will try again, but found them hard to chew while still trying to breath! Unintentionally spit out many little pieces along way.

May 3

4mi+, 31:41: Easy does it. Short cruise on the MVCT east of home. (ax)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Another long one...

May 1

16+, 2:40ish: Dan Kuperburg, owner/opperator of the very fine Chewuch Inn and my co-Wasatch conspirator, picked me up after the first 5-6mi of the Sunflower Relay course. Thusly, we did our first real run of the year together. It might have been 16, perhaps a little more or less. Basically, I ran from home to Twisp through a variety of terrain, dirt roads and trails.

Things confirmed today: having company on the longer distance runs is nice AND I tend to run faster than I should when by myself. Felt really great today even though this was my second 2.5+ hour run in 4 days. A little easier on the miles (and hills) for the rest of the week. (cas II)
NOTE: 2 full bottles H20 and 1 Cliff Bar

April 30th

4mi, 31:24: An easy shake-out kind of run. Even with the walk yesterday I felt just a little sluggy still on the heels of Saturday's long run. Steady as she goes.. (ax)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Flip it! Another weekly summary.

Week: 41 miles. Two big accomplishments -- a good long run of 2:5o AND I brought my camera along for fun! A little silly perhaps, but the views are good and the sunflowers are starting to bloom. More pics to be posted as the training continues.
Arrowleaf balsmroot - the local sunflower - on south shore of Patterson Lake. Cabin Creek Trail.

Wasatch realization o' the week: 20 of the last 40 minutes in this week's long run were spent bouncing down some single track amist the bitterbrush. The jarring palpable. The legs begging for flatter ground. I might have decended 1200ft. The last 5mi in Utah will drop about 3000ft... after 95 previous miles of joy and lord know how many hours of running :)
Mt. Gardner in the distance. Patterson Lake below.

April 28

18mi, 2:50.11: LONG I'm calling it 18. I have no real idea except that I didn't walk very much and I ran the downhills pretty quick. Black Bear spur from Wolf Creek. Lower Fox to Aqua Loop and a random exploration of abandonded F.S. 5386. Too many dead trees to pick around, but found the end. Little Wolf to Thompson Ridge. Rader Creek. South/North Patterson loop and Power's Plunge to home. Solid run. Legs tired coming down from Patterson, but felt fine again on the flats to home. (cas II)

PS Somehow already blowing out the sides of these Brooks Cascadia IIs. Not so preferable for a "trail" shoe with only 120 miles on it thus far...
Fork in the trail on Patterson Mountain. Downhill from here...

Post run chicken enchilladas AND a super delux reverse hug.

April 27

7+, 51:14: For the life of me I can't remember where I ran... must have been great! (brn)

April 26

6mi, 41:15: A good easy run. W.C. Road to Merle's Trail. Good to slow down after yesterdays "race" down the Winthrop Trail. (cas II)

April 24

10mi, 1:15.24: Up-tempo. Good speed on the downhills! Black Bear spur to Kraule Trail. Lakeside to the Winthrop trail and then to pick up K in town. A great new route with good loop potential from the front door! (cas II)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Weekly it is!

AND SO I DIGRESS TO THE WEEKLY POST: I will try NOT to do this every week...

April 17

6+ mi, 50:17: Hilly but good and slow. Home to the Black Bear trail up on Sun Mt. (cas II)

April 19

HIKE: 5am. 1:15 min. up on Patterson Mt. for McCloud's photo shoot. Trying to catch the first rays over the Okanogan Range to the east of Winthrop. More on this later!
5mi, 36 min: An up-tempo evening run on Winthrop Community Trail west of home. (ax)

April 20

8+, 59:43: HILLS - Winthrop Trail to Black Bear/Moose/Lakeview and back down. 33min to Sun Mountain Lodge. A solid climb. (cas II)

April 21

7mi, 48:11: Home from the bookstore mural project via the Winthrop Trail. A nice little climb and less time on the road. (ax)

April 22

14 mi, 1:40: LSD -- Kept it slow. Wolf Creek road west. Dorked around on the BOB ski trail and a little bit on the fire line from last summer. Too much debris on the fire line for any real running. (cas II)
BIKE: Into town with S & K. Back home from the bookstore. 1hr + total but two halves divided by 4 plus hours of painting

Week: 41 miles. Very happy to have another week in the 40's. The intensity and the long run were backed down a little this week, which feels good considering the steady building that has taken place over the last 12 weeks since I phased away from skiing. I'll stay in the 40's next week but bump up the long run this time. Shooting for 2:30-3hrs however far that may be... Also giving due consideration to adding the White River 50mi to my summer training plan. More on that soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rattler Half Marathon

April 14

Rattler 1/2 Marathon (13.1mi), 1:34:56 (about 7:15 pace): With 10min warm-up and 15 min cool-down, I put in about 16mi for the day. This is what matters with respect to Wasatch I suppose -- time on task and overall miles. The 1800 ft of elevation gain also made for a solid effort. That being said, I should hope that I don't run a single step at this kind of pace on Sept. 8th! Good for a first place finish this weekend, such exhuberance would be foolhardy in Utah.

True to form in recent years, I raced smart but whimpy. An early lead evaporated quickly on the long, mid-race up hills. I walked on purpose through these steeper sections, but pretty much let the leader get almost out of sight at that point. To my ultimate surprise, I caught up after 2mi of technical downhill and took back the lead with 3+ miles to go. Another gradual climb meant loosing the lead again, but my legs were fresher on the final 600m into the finish. In the ultimate nod to lame racing, I only put my head down and went after it when I noticed the leader's cramping legs. I really should have toughed it out and never fallen back into second over this final stretch... Alas, my "killer instinct" is hard to find. I'll be happy with running wise and see what happens from there.

Next up: The Sunflower Iron. I'll add on about 5mi and run to the start from home

April 15

7mi, 50:42: We'll call this 7. In might be a little short. Ran easy on the MVCommunity Trail west of home. Came back on the ski train through piles of logging slash. The Sunflower will have to be run on the road through here this year. Have to check that whole route out as well and see if even that is possible...

Week: 40mi. Really happy to see that number again and to have gotten in 5 good days of running during a busy week. The several months ahead don't get any easier, but my early base is getting well-established. A month ahead in the 40's range would be great. Long runs will begin to oscillate up and down a little bit, with hopefully some 20's (3+ hrs) on the way into May.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


April 12

Almost 8mi, 54:15: TEMPO for at least a little while. 12 minutes up, 14 minutes at something too fast for tempo run pace. I wanted to go 3-4 miles, but chose an unmarked course running out into the wind. After 12 minutes up-tempo it really felt too hard. Another 2 minutes and I bagged it. Succeded with I'm sure nearly 2.5 mi at pace and I would rather be not TOO worked over for the trail race this weekend. (ax)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easy at last!

April 10

4mi, 30:22: Methow Valley Community Trail east... ran from home and into the woods. River is swelling, though the peak flow is a ways off still. I finally ran slow. Happy about that. Warmish and blustery out. A coolness to the wind that is supposed to last all week. "Racing" on Saturday. i want to feel good, but would also like to improve upon last year's 1:35:51. We shall see...

Monday, Monday...

April 9

5 mi, 32:33: Supposed to be an easy day. Disappointed with myself by once again running faster that I should. I'm not even training to run a "fast" kids of race for goodness sakes. In any case, the legs felt pretty good considering the 15 mi on Sunday. Ciao. (as)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Pipestone Canyon Trial Run

April 6

5+mi, 35:23: A little bit short of six, but quite up-tempo as these things go. I didn'ty plan to run fast, but I was late getting into town and left the car at home. (as)

April 8

15mi, 2:22: A legit LSD run in the hills. 1800ft of climbing throughout. Snow, mud and sunflowers all in the same run. Joined by Andrew, who kept the pace steady and made sure that we didn't go too fast. His longest run by about double this year, so thanks to him for coming along and keeping me company. Also got the car stuck in the snow enroute... big adventure.

Week: 40 miles! Hot diggity. Still making steady progress. More challenge in the workouts than necessary -- again. The hill, unintentional tempo, LSD (with climbs) trifecta is not a great idea in the long term, but right now I am feeling no ill effects. Overall mileage still reasonable of course, so that helps. Look for mid-30's to 40 again this next week. A 1/2 marathon trail race in Pipestone Canyon next weekend. A tempo run on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Sun Mt. Hills

April 5

6mi, 45:58: We'll call it six. Who really knows. I did run some hill repeats, however. All part of my master plan :) Very much in the base phase of training here. A lot of miles to run and I want to get there slowly. Alternating tempo weeks and hill weeks right now. Just running. No bounding and no pushing the pace. "Natural" intervals. Ultimately, it should help with strength. Today it was 6 x 2:15 with about 2 min. rest on the downs. A fine, fine day! (brn)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

F.S. 800

April 4

7mi, 55:54 (am I really calling that 7?): Suppose that I will. Distance of little consequence in any case. The time on task is working. A nice run through the woods and then out F.S. 800 into the logging slash. So many trees down. Lots of clean up to do this spring and summer. Kept thinking that I would/should see a bear since I could see so much farther into the woods than last year. An easy run, but still with hills (a good 7 minute up at one point). Lots of jumping around in the woods to avoid the many very soft snow patches. (cas II)

PS Still considering the format for this. I'll probably switch to a weekly post at some point rather than these daily beginnings... all in good time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 3 - easy hills

6+mi, 52:01: For the most part, an easy run. I did ramble around on the north side of Sun Mt. and eventually came back down via Black Bear across wolf creek. A few very casual hills. I've been sleeping about 3-4 hours a night the last few days while trying to finish sketches for a book. I suppose that this is good sleep deprivation training for Wasatch, but its starting to catch up to me. I still feel alright running, but...

Monday, April 2, 2007

April 1

3mi, 22:45: An easy 3 west on w.c. road. Slopped around on some still snowy trails along the river. Not too much however since this was supposed to be easy. Right hamstring a little tight from yesterday's long run and my silly "catch-up" running the week before. I'll likely take tomorrow off. (cas II)

Week: 36 miles. Solid. The LSD run on Saturday felt very good again. I need slow down, but time and distance will do that soon enough. A similar week coming up with one day of hills.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Days Are Numbered

So here it is. My first post enroute to running the Wasatch 100 Endurance Run on September 8th, 2007. I've been "a runner" for a while. Seriously (of sorts) since my freshman year in college when I abandonded soccer for the glories of cross-country. These days my runs are more of the release from my job as a children's book author and illustrator, but I've really enjoyed running on trails as well. I've run numerous 50ks and a single 50 miler. 1oo miles still seems a little unrealistic to me at this point, but that's the goal :) A running friend of mine suggested that we sign-up, with good intention to train together over the summer, and I basically decided "what the heck."

After a solid winter of xc skiing, I added in some running near the beginning of February. That being said, I'm about 8 weeks into my base training and running a comfortable 30+ miles a week right now. A slow and steady climb from here, but I'll try to make this my training log with some occassional comments on progress for anyone that might be paying attention...
